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LETTER: Author explains why Site C dam should be stopped

From reader Michael Jessen

On July 17, I went to hear Wendy Holm — an award-winning Canadian agrologist, columnist, and editor of the book Damming the Peace: The Hidden Costs of the Site C Dam — speak about why the world should do everything possible to stop the construction of this dam.

I encourage everyone to get the book and read it. It is well edited and an easy read. You will learn that the energy from the dam is not needed, but if it was to be needed, it could be supplied by other sources cheaper. You will discover that the land that will be flooded by the Site C is an unbelievable biodiversity hotspot that will mean the extinction of numerous species.

Most remarkably, you will be amazed to find out that the unique micro-climate and fertile farmland of BC’s Peace River Valley — in its unflooded state — is capable of producing fresh vegetables for over one million people. Finally, you will be ashamed to learn that the approvals granted by the federal and provincial governments for the dam’s construction violate the treaty rights of the Indigenous people whose territory could be flooded.

This is the most environmentally destructive and costliest infrastructure project ever undertaken in B.C. I urge everyone to take the pledge to stop this project. Talk about it with your relatives, friends, and neighbours. Our governments have made a horrendous decision in our name and each of us has a responsibility to tell our elected representatives to reverse their decision.

Michael Jessen
