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Women in Business get set to meet

Castlegar's Fireside in is the site of business group's monthly sessions

The West Kootenay Women in Business Event is being held This Thursday 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Fireside Inn in Castlegar.

They are very excited to introduce this networking opportunity designed just for women. Whether you are a business owner, manager, employee or dream of running your own business one day, a local network is an invaluable asset. And an investment of your time to attend a regular networking event will allow us to grow that asset as we create business relationships and share ideas and experiences to mutual advantage.

We have a vision to grow a strong local network of knowledgeable and talented women from all walks of life, which we can look to for assistance and advice.   For now, we have planned for the group to meet for networking luncheons on the second Thursday of each month from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.

These meetings will provide the opportunity to share ideas, chat, and learn from each other.  Some of these meetings will have topical themes and/or presentations by members of the group or invited speakers.  We have found the time that we take to introduce ourselves, whether to the whole room or just to the other ladies at our table, to be a worthwhile activity.  Please consider your “elevator pitch” (limit this to no more than one minute).  If time permits, we’d like to have each lady present herself to the other ladies at her table.

Our speaker for February is Doug Johnstone, CA a partner at Pinnacle Professional Accounting Corporation.  He will provide an overview of how to interpret your business's financial results and a summary of current tax rates and changes.  The presentation is designed to be interactive with time for questions and answers.

Our women’s networking group provides us with an empowering environment where we can feel comfortable to discuss our business issues and offer solutions to each other.  Together we will build our own success.

Please let us know if you have friends and associates that are interested in receiving our invitations.

Don’t forget your business cards.  And remember that you need to check in at the main lobby where you can also pay for your lunch ($15).

