After several years of planning, the vision of a community garden at Grandview Heights has become reality.
This spring the landscape committee of Kootenay Columbia Seniors Housing Cooperative formed the Grandview Neighbourhood Garden.
We welcome gardeners from surrounding communities and subdivisions in the south Castlegar area to join us and make this truly a “Neighbourhood Garden.”
Presently we have 12 allotment garden beds, with plans to double that number in the future. We have applied for numerous grants to fund an irrigation system, construct a deer fence and build a bear-proof compost bin in which we can compost household kitchen scraps instead of sending them to the landfill.
On Earth Day in April, the Kootenay Co-op awarded us $500 Environmental Fund Grant, which will be used to construct the compost bin. Thank you Kootenay Co-op.
Thanks are also due to others who supported us with our project — Kalesnikoff Lumber, Mar-West Construction, the many volunteers who donated time and gardening material, and the Castlegar Garden Club, who met with us to advise and share their expertise.
If you would like to reduce your impact on the environment by producing some of your own food, share garden knowledge and make new friends while getting healthy, stress-reducing exercise, why not join us?
For more information contact 250-304-2281 or 250-304-6977.
/Submitted by Grandview Neighbourhood Garden