Mercer Celgar will conduct a mill-wide evacuation drill at its mill near Castlegar on Friday, Oct. 25 at 11 a.m.
The drill is being conducted to test emergency response processes and meet Environment Canada’s E2 requirements.
The mock drill scenario will focus on response and notification systems in the event of a catastrophic release of chlorine dioxide (ClO2).
Prior to the drill, risk analysis and plume modelling have been conducted to assess potential impacts on the surrounding community, and these findings have been shared with the Castlegar Fire Department for use as part of their own community emergency response and evacuation planning.
During the drill, the Celgar Crisis Management Team will also conduct a live test of its Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) procedures.
Celgar says this is an essential step in ensuring their readiness to protect both their employees and the surrounding community in the event of an emergency.
Community members may hear alarm noises coming from the mill during the drill, but Celgar says these sounds are part of the drill and there is no need for concern.
"We appreciate the cooperation and understanding of our team members and the local community as we work to enhance our emergency preparedness and response capabilities," says Mercer.
Mercer Celgar employs 427 people to produce approximately 500,000 tonnes of Northern Bleached Softwood kraft pulp, enough eco-certified green energy to supply the mill's needs and up to an additional 20,000 homes and 250,000 litres of turpentine annually.