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Accreditation Achieved

Castlegar and District Community Services Society (CDCSS) is celebrating!
Back Row: Rose Henri (Board)

“The Council on Accreditation has confirmed that the requirements of the accreditation process have been met and we (CDCSS) are now officially an accredited organization,” states Board Chair Roberta Hamilton.

As per the information on their website, the Council on Accreditation (COA) is an international, independent, not-for-profit, child and family service and behavioral healthcare accrediting organization. It was founded in 1977 by the Child Welfare League of America and Family Service America (now the Alliance for Children and Families). The council envisions excellence in the delivery of human services globally, resulting in the well-being of individuals, families, and communities.

The COA accreditation is an objective and reliable verification that organizations and programs qualify for the confidence and support of their stakeholders. The COA accreditation process involves a detailed review and analysis of an organization or program’s administrative functions and service delivery practices. All are measured against international standards of best practice. These standards emphasize services that are accessible, appropriate, based in the community, coordinated, culturally competent, evidence-based, individualized, outcomes-oriented, provided by a skilled and supported workforce, respectful of individual rights, strengths-based, supportive of partnership, child and family focused, treat all people with dignity, involve family and provider collaboration, and address child outcomes. As such, consumers, board members, funders, regulators and staff can have confidence in the credibility, integrity and achievement of the organization or program.

The standards for Canadian organizations are grounded in a long-standing, widely held belief that individuals who receive services are the direct beneficiaries when organizations invest in strong management practice, and can validate the impact of their services on those served.

The board has appreciated the commitment of staff over the past two years to undertake the required work that resulted in the accreditation status. The Society will continue to improve the quality of people’s lives by providing assistance, counseling and support and by working for social change in our community.  Come and visit us at 1007 2nd Street.