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Solemn observance at Mir Centre for Peace

Group gathers to reaffirm its pacifist beliefs and goals
With Leonard Voykin (Emcee and Chair of the Kootenay Region United Nations Association-KRUNA) seated at left

Brought together to pay tribute to lives lost in the 1945 nuclear blast over Hiroshima, Japan, approximately 100 people converged on the grounds of the Mir Centre for Peace on August 6, the 69th anniversary of the incident that shortly preceded the end of the Second World War.

"From infants to the elderly," read speaker Walter Swetlikoff from a prepared text, "tens of thousands of innocent civilians lost their lives in a single day. By the end of the year, 140,000 had died. To avoid forgetting that sacred sacrifice, and to prevent the repetition of that tragedy, please listen to the voices of the survivors."