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A small change... matters

Writer points out something in need of an alteration


I need to make some corrections to the article from April 17, on page A3.

We were very happy to be recognized and featured in the paper , as we have spent the last eight months forming Wakun ‘s Lodge Drum Group, in order to bring this spiritual practice into our lives and the lives of the community.

I was very careful to state that the name of our group is Wakun’s Lodge Drum Group. Wakun means Grandmother, and Wakun’s Lodge is a body of oral teaching suitable for a people who have been cut off from their physical roots. To simply shorten the name to Wakun does not give the correct message. I understand the space constraint of the paper, but we must be careful not to make decisions which change the meanings of the offering. What, when I was talking about us working together as Canadians, I was expanding on my commitment to Idle No More.

I have learned a lot by this experience, and am not sure I would do an off-the-cuff interview again. For me, it may be best to prepare written statements until I have more experience speaking with the media.



Shemmaho Goodenough,
