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Buyer beware

Letter writer claims discrepancies in his billing from a utility company

I ask all the customers of Fortis out there to read your bills closely. Here’s what happened to me and it could easily happen to anyone.

On Sept. 7 they came around and read my meter, fine. Between Oct. 8 and 10 they estimated me at 1076 kWh. Then on Nov. 9 they read my meter and the usage was only 144 kWh. Now, I live in a 1,280 sq. ft. mobile home and there is no way I used that little power.

The new rate structure is this: the first 800 kWh of power we use, we pay .08136 (about 8 cents) per kWh and everything after that we pay .11796 per kWh.

So for me that means I paid for 276 kWh of power at the higher rate which I did not use.

I phoned Fortis and I had to argue with them to get a rebate. Finally they saw my point and sent me a revised bill with a credit of $9.30, which over a year can add up.

The part that annoyed me was that they were not interested in pursuing this matter. As I say, buyer beware.


-Alan Letoria,
