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Editorial: Rainbow logo speaks volumes

Editorial comment focuses on the civic government's step to promote tolerance

The phrase ‘Think globally, act locally,’ according to Wikipedia, ‘has been used in various contexts, including planning, environment, education, mathematics, and business.’ It’s used in social contexts as well.

Illustrated on the front page of this edition is Castlegar City Council’s assertion that our community is an inclusive one.

Council has taken up the mantle of tolerance and made it clear with the creation of a rainbow crosswalk downtown on 3rd Street, west of Columbia Avenue.

The City is riding a worldwide wave, working to put an end to discrimination of  others on the basis of lifestyles, sexual orientation, etc. The issue is widespread, having hit the international stage in such high-profile events as the Olympic Winter Games back in February.

With the painting of a raiwnbow crosswalk a municipal government makes the statement that they accept people for who they are, and they urge citizens and visitors to follow suit.

Those who may disagree are free to express their opinion at the ballot box next time a civic election comes up, or in other forums such as our letters to the editor.

The Castlegar News supports the allocation of $1,900 (plus GST) for the creation of the crosswalk. We see the issue as one in which we are not qualified to judge the lifestyles of others. We may be seen, in some cases, as conduits of public opinion, but we are not moral referees.

We will consider all letters to the editor on their own merits, regardless of points of view. We only require, as always, that no one is being directly attacked, libelled or slandered.