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Letter writer raises red flags over the use of smart meters

Once again we are being kept out of the loop! Fortis BC has applied to BCUC (British Columbia Utilities Commission) to install smart meters in our area. The first notification in the Valley Voice was dated August 22, 2012 with closing date for intervener applications set at September 7, 2012. People acting as interveners will be presenting the 'other' side of the debate.

As most small, rural communities receive bimonthly newspapers the only way to get messages to the public is by mail from Fortis BC. There was nothing in the Fortis BC newsletter about this important event. August is the busiest vacation month for most people. One has to question that this may be the reason that FortisBC chose this particular time to submit its request.

Do we conclude that FortisBC is hiding something from its customers? FortisBC has misled us by withholding information. When the wire is removed from the meter our body becomes the wire with electrical frequencies pulsing continuously all day long, forever.

These pulses range from 14,000 pulses per day up to 190,000 pulses or more depending on where you are located in the routing that occurs between your meter and your neighbours' meters as well as the neighbourhood collector that may well be in your yard. Health consequences should be a major concern as 100% of the population is susceptible.

House wiring is a 60 Hz grid while smart meters pulse at 928,000,000 Hz into the wiring causing fires and blown appliances. We will require new 'smart appliances' as our present ones will no longer be compatible. Smart meters have a 5 year life span as compared to a 40 year life span of an analog meter. There is no beneficial economic saving on energy usage - that is a human endeavour.

Health Canada told us that lead, mercury fillings, DDT and asbestos were safe. Why do we still trust these people? 3.5 million people in the province say "no" to smart meters but Rich Coleman, Attorney General, answers "get off the grid or leave the province." How could this happen in a democracy? Hmmm...follow the money.

I urge you to write to BCUC ( to express your concerns about smart meters. Do so quickly and mark it as a "Letter of Comment" so that it becomes part of the public file. If you would like to receive the documents being filed tell the commission to sign you up as an'interested party'. If you are still unsure about the advisability of smart meters a great video to google is vernonmeeting/smartmeters or contact


-Linda Louise
