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Snowed over

Letter writer takes Castlegar snow removal personnel to task

Hello ICBC, what are you going to do about demanding the roads be cleaned up within a reasonable amount of time so our rates can quit going up from preventable accidents?

I know we had a lot of snow dumped on us but why weren't the city and Emcon crews ready? I am sure there were a lot of accidents and emergency vehicles not able to get around to get to the people.

I live on the major road leading to the dump, with large trucks continuously going by, but the grader made just one swipe down the road. The vehicles have to stop so other vehicles can pass as the road had not been plowed for more than two days. The side streets were worse as no plow had been down them.

I know Emcon doesn't pay much, but at least teach the people to plow so the roads are accessible. If Emcon doesn't have the equipment, why not? Emcon's job is to look after the roads, why aren't they.

Not everyone can stay at home when the weather is bad, but the ones who can should be able to get out the next day, at least.


-Larry Heigh
