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Suggesting priorities

Letter writer weighs in on the side of teachers in regard to current strike


What is more valuable than all of the proposed LNG plants, pipe-lines, Transit Lines, Hydro Projects, any precious metal mining, real estate or resort development, combined?

Your child.

The economic welfare of the whole world is not worth sacrificing the life, well-being and education of your child.

Therefore, if we all agree that your children are our most valuable “commodity”, why is our Liberal government so afraid of investing an additional $1000 per student in your children just to bring us up to the Canadian average of what other provinces and territories are already investing in their children?

British Columbia currently has the second lowest level of funding of public education per student in Canada next to PEI.

If Premier Clark and her government really believe in a “Family First” agenda and making substantial investments in improving our economy, why don’t they start by investing $1000 per public education student just to bring us up to the Canadian average?

Isn’t your child worthy of that investment?


Respectfully submitted,


Andrew M Davidoff


Kootenay Columbia

Teachers’ Union