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Letter: Smokers displaying dangerous behaviour

Letter: Smokers displaying dangerous behaviour

There were cigarette butts everywhere on the edge of the roadway.
Letter: Outstanding wildfire response from staff, community partners

Letter: Outstanding wildfire response from staff, community partners

Interior Health is on the frontlines of an emergency that proves how far people will go to help.

Letter: Help us keep the Kootenays in business

KASLO — A local group of workers, farmers and investors is pressing the federal government to keep the door open for co-operative outdoor cannabis production in the Central Kootenay region of B.C.
Letter: Thank you for the coverage

Letter: Thank you for the coverage

I would like to thank Castlegar News for their coverage showcasing the Columbia Basin Culture Tour.
Killing bears, one way or another

Killing bears, one way or another

B.C. hunters speak out about grizzly hunt, wildlife management
Letter: Choice important in auto insurance

Letter: Choice important in auto insurance

News that BC drivers could be paying 30 per cent more on insurance premiums by 2019 is alarming.
Letter: Another vote for weekly garbage pickup in Castlegar

Letter: Another vote for weekly garbage pickup in Castlegar

Further to Mr. Carter’s letter of last week, the majority of people I talked to all have concerns and great dissatisfaction about dirty garbage being picked up only once every two weeks during months of June, July, August and September.
Letter: Customer service greatly appreciated

Letter: Customer service greatly appreciated

I would like to submit a huge shout out and heartfelt thank you to a local mechanical shop.
Letter: Enough of this garbage

Letter: Enough of this garbage

I feel that it is fair to say that garbage pickup every two weeks is a bad idea.
Letter: What is your vision for Castlegar?

Letter: What is your vision for Castlegar?

We live in one of the most beautiful areas in this region and I am in favor of a waterfront trail.