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B.C. smokers offered free patches, gum

B.C. smokers offered free patches, gum

Hasty exit from court leads to single-vehicle crash

Hasty exit from court leads to single-vehicle crash

A man who declined to provide his name did tell the Rossland News one thing following this crash on Monday. The driver said he had just received a disagreeable judgement at the Rossland courthouse and, upset and in haste, exited Columbia Avenue onto the highway to Trail too quickly, began to spin out on the first corner, overcompensated with his steering and drove off the bank on the opposite side of the road, below the Alpine Grind café.
Nakusp marks century since launch of sternwheeler Bonnington

Nakusp marks century since launch of sternwheeler Bonnington

A century after the S.S. Bonnington made her maiden voyage on the Arrow Lakes, she got yet another round of applause in her hometown of Nakusp.
Premier backs NDP bid to ban weed killers

Premier backs NDP bid to ban weed killers

B.C. won't appeal class size ruling

B.C. won't appeal class size ruling

ICBC to reward good drivers, punish the bad

ICBC to reward good drivers, punish the bad

Details so far sketchy on new carrot-and-stick insurance discount system
Arson in Nakusp: Rash of fires compounding illegal dumping problem

Arson in Nakusp: Rash of fires compounding illegal dumping problem

Someone is setting fires around Nakusp. On purpose. Fire Chief Terry Warren said Monday multiple fires have been set downtown and in rural areas, and that more than one arsonist may be at work.
HST costs average family $350 a year

HST costs average family $350 a year

City doles out CBT cash

More than $110,000 in CBT community funding was distributed among 20 groups at Monday night’s city council meeting.
Vaisakhi celebration draws Sikh faithful from around the region

Vaisakhi celebration draws Sikh faithful from around the region

Sikhs from all over the West Kootenay gathered to celebrate Vaisakhi in Castlegar on Saturday.