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Letters: Save Castlegar’s dog park

Council will discuss the future of Castlegar’s dog park this week
The dog park at Millennium Park. Photo: Betsy Kline

The following is a severely edited version of the letter I have sent to city council concerning Councillor Macleod’s motion to close the Millennium Park dog park.

1. The concerns of the complainants are greatly overstated. Although each insists that (in the words of the motion) “pet and owner volatility, and noise” preclude their peaceful enjoyment of their own properties, they offer no evidence. Where are the records of complaints (and their disposition) to the RCMP? Or the SPCA? Or the by-law enforcement officer?

2. The complainants are a small minority. Two residents presented at council’s Sept. 5 meeting. At the time of this writing (Sept. 28), the on-line petition in support of the dog park has more than 1,800 endorsements. Even if only half of those are Castlegar residents, that constitutes more than 10 percent of the city’s entire electorate.

3. The dog park is a positive boon to the city. I have encountered people from such places as Nelson, Yellowknife, Montreal and Sackville (and several points south) who have heard of the dog park either online or through acquaintances, have brought their dogs to it, and have been delighted, making the dog park among the more significant tourist attractions in the city.

To conclude, I note that the motion does not call for the permanent closing of the dog parks. Rather, it provides that the “… dog park areas be closed until such time as staff have reported back to council on the feasibility of relocating the fenced off-leash dog park to a non-residential area …” Surely this is putting the cart before the horse. Order a feasibility study if you wish, but don’t leave Castlegar without this “jewel in the crown” in the interim.

Ross Harvey

Castlegar, B.C.

RELATED: Residents lobby for closure of Castlegar’s dog park

A rant to the residents trying to close down the dog park in Castlegar because of barking during daytime (it empties after sunset) and dogs running through yards (from the fenced in dog park? How?)

I read that “dog owners should have a dog park in their neighborhoods, because it’s causing a nuisance in ours!” Newsflash: you don’t own the neighbourhood. You share it with the rest of us who live here. And some of us have dogs.

Before you move the dog park to a “non-residential site,” you may want to consider not everyone has means to get to the non-residential areas here.

I wonder what would replace the dog park area at Millennium. Should city council decide to ignore the 1500+ signatures on our petition to keep it open, I have suggestions:

A skateboard park! I can hear the slapping of skateboards against concrete and shrieks of joy from the kids now!

A bandstand.

Portable housing for the homeless, shelter, safe injection site, or a city-run tent city.

Maybe another “Park Place” condo to match the one built where another park used to be. We can all enjoy construction noise for a year and our new views of half million dollar balconies while property taxes rise and street parking shrinks.

Or maybe the city will leave it bare until the teens realize what an awesome party spot it is.

What will replace this park with its happy dogs, running and playing off-leash while their owners socialize? What of the lonely, shy or elderly, for whom this park is their only social outlet?

This dog park is for our community. It’s not for a small group of residents to take ownership of and your attempts to do so is causing a nuisance in our community.

The petition can be found at

There will be a public committee of the whole meeting at the Community Forum on Oct. 10 at 3 p.m. with the council discussion on the agenda for the regular city council meeting at 7 p.m.

Paula Morrison

Castlegar, B.C.

RELATED: Castlegar council to debate future of dog park

Good faith investments for Millennium Park project are made by sponsors, supporters, and businesses. Would closing the dog park contravene original, agreements and contacts? Should banded 5th Avenue/8th Street residents be responsible to reimburse all investors? Homeowners on 5th Avenue had the opportunity to boycott the Master Plan for Millennium Park April 13-14, 2000 at the public forum.

Buyers beware near:

School - expect bells, yelling, screaming, swearing, fighting, black eyes and bloody noses as well as children playing all around

Dog Park - expect barking, playing, socializing, occasional tussles and normal dog/human behaviors and incidents

Too late to start complaining after house is bought.


Castlegar’s Three Pillars Strategic Plan for Infrastructure, Economic Development and Community Wellness including Millennium Park. It was realized since ultimately the city is only shouldering a small percentage of the capital cost of the park explained the city council led by then-mayor Lawrence Chernoff. Funding and support came from: Host Local Government Payments for Chances Casino, Celgar, Rotary Club, B.C. Government, Columbia Basin Trust, RDCK, Heritage Credit Union, Kootenay Savings, WSA Engineering, Minor Soccer Association, etc.


Millennium Dog Park is safe secure recreation by visiting neighbors with dogs enjoying the feeling of community.

Dog feces are concentrated here, responsible owners pick up the poop. Poop all over Castlegar could result in public health issues like cats pooping in children’s sandboxes and gardens. 1,430,000 B.C. residents have dogs. During COVID pet adoptions surged. The dog park is relaxing, so we didn’t go crazy since expanding pent up energy benefited dog owners avoiding unwarranted euthanasia.

The closure of our dog park would be travesty! There are some inconveniences for the few but weigh that against the benefits of the dog park to our community wellness.

Jane Dusome

Castlegar, B.C.

RELATED: LETTERS: Castlegar Dog park neighbours growl over park behaviour